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The Department of Maryland VFW Auxiliary recently donated $6,000 to the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System. The Salisbury Independent reported that the donation will benefit veterans throughout the “Chesapeake Bay State” by providing things such as creative arts resources, transportation services, adaptive sports equipment, ho...
This winter, VFW Post 6291 has served as a warming center for the Murray, Kentucky, community when temperatures drop below 30 degrees. Post 6291 Commander Richard J. Owens said the Post opened as a warming center in January for 20 days in conjunction with local emergency management officials. He said during that time the Post served nearly 100 peop...
Members of VFW Post 2076 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, hosted their 24th annual Groundhog Day celebration by welcoming residents from the VA Hospital in Butler, Pa., on Jan. 26. Since its inception in 1999 — only canceled twice during the COVID-19 pandemic — Post 2076 has welcomed veterans from the VA, treating them to tours of the Pun...
VFW Post 4561 members in Cresco, Iowa, raised more than $3,000 during their annual cancer benefit breakfast event this January. The fundraiser ran from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with proceeds going towards the local Howard County Cancer Association, as well as the Post 4561 Auxiliary Milz Cancer Grant. Post 4561 Quartermaster Alice Abbott told local ne...
NAVY NAMES NEW DESTROYER FOR WWII HERO A Navy veteran who saved 15 of his shipmates during World War II’s Guadalcanal campaign is set to have a Navy ship named in his honor. As of October 2024, the Navy had not given a timeline for the commissioning of the USS Charles J. French (DDG-142). Arkansas native Charles French was aboard the USS Greg...
For the past two decades, members of VFW Post 3746 have conducted monthly cleanups around their community in Rock Hill, South Carolina. They are often seen hauling trash bags along the sides of roads and highways in their VFW gear, infrared vests and smiles, joined by dozens of children and adults recruited to help beautify their city of more than ...
WASHINGTON — The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to join the nation in honoring our nation’s Black American service members, veterans and their families throughout the month of February, National Black History Month. When Carter G. Woodson set out in 1926 to establish a time to promote and educate people about Black history and ...
Within moments of meeting Joshua Barela, it is evident how vital family is to him. His life path, marked by service in the U.S. Navy and Air Force, has deepened his connection to his great-grandfather, Julian Barela. Living in a different state and enduring many hardships during his childhood, Joshua visited his great-grandfather only a handful of ...
Army veteran Roderick Peterson, 35, lives in Rogers, Arkansas, with his partner, Francisca Garduno, and their three children, Alonzo, Anai and King. Peterson served five years as a military police officer. During that time, he deployed to Afghanistan and South Korea and later achieved the rank of corporal. Peterson joined the military to experience...
Statement Of Nancy Springer, Associate Director National Legislative Service Veterans of Foreign Wars of The United States Before The United States House of Representatives Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs With Respect To “Correcting VA’s Violations of Veterans’ D...