Today's veterans can face any number of obstacles while furthering their education. Taking advantage of all the benefits you've earned and DESERVE shouldn't be one of them! This is why we have teamed up with Student Veterans of America and Sport Clips Haircuts to provide the assistance you need.
The VFW's "Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship" provides service members and veterans with the financial assistance they need to complete their educational goals without incurring excessive student loan debt. It’s just another way for us to say “thank you” to those who fought for our freedoms.
Scholarship Details:
- Scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded to qualified applicants.
- Awarded scholarships are limited to one per family per semester.
- Applications for the fall semester will be accepted Jan. 1 through April 30.
- Applications for the spring semester will be accepted Aug. 1 through Nov. 15.
- Fall semester scholarships will be awarded in August, and spring semester scholarships will be awarded in January.
- Scholarships must be used by the end of the school semester for which the veteran is applying or they will become null and void.
- Scholarships are restricted for tuition and fees only and will be paid directly to accredited schools.
Eligible Applicants Must:
- Be a citizen of the United States.
- Be retired, honorably discharged, active duty, or a member of the National Guard or Reserve.
- Have completed Basic Training and follow-on training (Advanced Individual Training, technical school, etc.).
- Separated with or currently hold a military rank of E-5 or below.
- Demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
- Participate in, be accepted to or currently enrolled in a VA-approved program or school at an accredited post-secondary institution.

If you have questions please view our FAQ or email us with additional questions.
The VFW recognizes that both funding and support for our student veterans and dependents at institutions of higher learning, can often be difficult to find. The VFW's Student Veteran Support Grant offers much needed assistance to support specific student veteran events. The grant, administered by the VFW Washington Office, focuses on supporting the overall student veteran population within the community, which consists of many student veterans at campuses across the country that are not affiliated with an SVA chapter. The grants will be disbursed to a VFW Post or Department that has submitted an application, to support the student veterans at the university or college.
Grant Eligibility:
- Applicants must be VFW members associated with an appropriate entity of the VFW (VFW Post, District, Department, or National).
- Appropriate VFW Post, District, Department, or National leadership serve as the convening authority on the grant request and is responsible for receiving funds.
- Funds must be utilized for events and outreach designed to assist and support veterans currently enrolled in institutions of higher learning.
- Grants may be awarded up to $500 to support each event, and grants can be awarded to a VFW entity twice each fiscal year, totaling up to $1,000.

VFW-SVA Legislative Fellowship
We have been advocating on behalf of veterans, service members and their families for more than a century, and we want to share our experience with a new generation of veteran leaders. The VFW-SVA Legislative Fellowship grants exemplary student veterans (Fellows) the chance to join the VFW legislative team on Capitol Hill during the VFW Legislative Conference hosted in early spring each year. The Fellows will walk the halls of Congress, educating their legislators on the issues facing today’s student veterans and have the opportunity to meet with policy-makers from federal agencies responsible for implementing veterans' policy.