VFW Post 6441 in Wimberley, Texas, actively supports veterans and its community through various initiatives, such as flag-raising ceremonies, participating in the town’s Fourth of July parade and assisting local veterans in need.
Another tradition for the Post is conducting open house events on Veterans Day and Armed Forces Day, where veterans are invited to enjoy a free meal. These events began in 2017 and were organized by Post 6441 members Rodger Parker, a Navy veteran, and Mike Lukowiak, an Air Force veteran. Lukowiak has managed 13 events, with the most recent Veterans Day open house serving more than 350 meals.
Volunteers gather at VFW Post 6441 in Wimberley, Texas, on Veterans Day for an open house event to honor veterans. Post 6441 members traditionally hold an open house event on Veterans Day and Armed Forces Day each year. VFW POST 6441 PHOTOA local H-E-B grocery store donated a $1,000 gift card to furnish meals. The band Soldiers Songs and Voices, a group of veteran musicians, were at the event to perform. Volunteers from Post 6441 and its Auxiliary, as well as the Daughters of the American Revolution and Boy Scouts, participated in the Veterans Day open house. Services officers also were on hand to assist with VA disability claims.
“At the Wimberley VFW Post, our mission is to provide assistance to all veterans in any way needed, and to serve our community,” said VFW Post 6441 service officer Don Frisch. “We hope that we have succeeded at this.”
Submitted by VFW Post 6441 Service Officer Don French
This article is featured in the 2024 November/December issue of Checkpoint. If you're a VFW member and don't currently receive the VFW Checkpoint, please contact VFW magazine at magazine@vfw.org.