KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) commemorates the signing of the armistice signed July 27, 1953, signaling the cease fire of the Korean War.
A gun crew checks their equipment near the Kum River. 15 July 1950. Korea. Signal Corps photo.A total of 36,576 Americans – according to Battles of the Korean War, the VFW’s official history of the conflict – sacrificed their lives on the Korean peninsula.
While the Cold War endured into the 1990s and communism remained a threat, the Korean War was a victory for democracy. U.S. veterans of the war helped save South Korea and Japan from what seemed to be an inevitable takeover.
Now, 67 years later, the prosperity enjoyed by those citizens stands in stark contrast to the misery endured by the people of North Korea.
The VFW salutes its Korean War veterans for their courage, sacrifice and unwavering dedication to their mission. Thank you for your service and commitment to freedom.