KANSAS CITY, Mo. (May 20, 2020) – The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) has announced the winners of the 2020 National Publications Contest.
First-place winners in the 2020 VFW National Publications Contest are pictured above. Non-VFW affiliated journalists deemed these to be the “best of the best.” Winners will receive their awards in June.Covering the 2019 calendar year, this year’s publications contest garnered 39 entries, which fell 36 short of the 2019 contest
Entries for the contest derived from 24 Posts/Districts and six Departments. There were two submissions for the “Best Magazine” category and 12 submissions for “Best Feature Article.” Of the 39 entries, 16 placed.
Two non-VFW-affiliated journalism professionals served as judges for the competition. This is designed to guarantee impartiality and objectivity in the judging.
The VFW congratulates all entrants for their hard work and service to their respective members. The pool of entries this year proved to be very competitive. Awards will be mailed in June to each Department for distribution.
If you have suggestions for how we can improve the National Publications Contest for 2021, write to us at VFW Publications Contest, 406 W. 34th Street, Suite 523, Kansas City, MO 64111 or email irodriguez@vfw.org.
The winning publications in each category are:
Best Magazine
Grand Award:
Texas VFW News
Dan West, Editor
Silver Award:
NC VFW The Leader Magazine
Russ Chambers, Editor
Best Feature Article
Grand Award:
“History Class In A Box?”
Kat Bryant, The Daily World
Aberdeen, Wash.
Silver Award:
“Two Mon Valley Veterans Use Pittsburgh Warriors Hockey Action to Ice Wounds”
Michael P. Mauer, VFW Department of Pennsylvania
Homestead, Pa.
Bronze Award:
“Showing The Way”
Mark Klaas, Auburn Reporter
Federal Way, Wash.
Department Publications
Large Frequency (printed 5+ times per year)
Grand Award:
Wisconsin VFW News
Marla J. Morgan, Editor
Silver Award:
Pennsylvania VFW News
David Sandman, Editor
Small Frequency (printed 1-4 times per year)
Grand Award:
Illinois VFW News
Barbara Wilson, Editor
Silver Award:
Michigan Overseas Veteran
Stacey Roberts, Editor
Bronze Award:
Gopher Oversea’r
Melody Shryock, Editor
District/Post Publications
Large Frequency (printed 5+ times per year)
Grand Award:
Post Chatter (Post 7591)
Pat Ryan, Editor
Department of Wisconsin
Silver Award:
Cannon News (Post 7589)
Rick Raskin, Editor
Department of Virginia
Bronze Award:
Charles R. Knaeble VFW Post 494
Lesley Kurke, Editor
Department of Minnesota
Small Frequency (printed 1-4 times per year)
Grand Award:
Hough-Pontius Post 3701 Report
Stacey Roberts, Editor
Department of Michigan
Silver Award:
VFW Post 2016 News
Ski Iworsky, Editor
Department of Massachusetts
Bronze Award:
VFW Post 10406 and Auxiliary Official Newsletter
Allen W. Kochenderfer, Editor
Department of Wisconsin