On March 18, VFW Post 637 Operations Manager and VFW Auxiliary Department of Virginia Guard Cara Buckley led a ceremony paying tribute to 12 fallen female war heroes at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, which has more than 12,000 names on its wall.
The ceremony hosted several dignitaries, which included VFW Department of Virginia Commander Gary Adams, as well as Virginia’s Auxiliary President Victoria Butler and National VFW Auxiliary President Carla Martinez, who each gave remarks laden with heartfelt gratitude in honor and respect of the 12 female fallen war heroes.
VFW and Auxiliary members from the Department of Virginia gather to pay homage to the 12 fallen female war heroes on the walls of the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Va., on March 18. “These remarkable women displayed unmatched bravery and dedication in their service to our country,” Buckley said of the 12 women, which are made up of nine World War II veterans and three from the Global War on Terrorism.
The large-scale event included Post and Auxiliary members from across Virginia, many of them belonging to Posts 637, 9808,7059,3150,1115 and 12202. These six VFW Posts and their Auxiliaries contributed to the ceremony by performing the national anthem, crafting a profound invocation and paying homage to their former female comrades.
The ceremony was punctuated by the reading of the 12 names, which were solemnly recited aloud as white roses were laid in their honor by VFW and VFW Auxiliary female veterans in respect for their sacrifices and unwavering courage.
As a centerpiece to the ceremony, Buckley posthumously honored Post 637 member Steve Cochran by displaying the battlefield cross he constructed prior to his passing. The cross, according to Buckley, serves as a reminder of resilience, honor and the remembrance of these fallen heroes’ contributions to women in the service.
“Let us never forget the profound impact these heroes had and continue to honor their legacy of valor and resilience,” Buckley said.
The 12 fallen female war heroes are:
2LT Eva Virginia Ageon – WWII – Botetourt County – Army Nurse Corps
CPL Betty Walker Driskill – WWII – Prince Edward County – WAC
2LT Nancy Holden Hedges – WWII – Charlottesville – WAC
PFC Leslie Denise Jackson – GWOT – Richmond – Army- Iraq
1LT Elenora Payne Jones – WWII – Lancaster County – Army Nurse Corps
2LTJoan Windsor Nourse – WWII – Fauquier County – WAC
SGT Caryn Nouv – GWOT – Newport News – Army -Afghanistan
PFC Nan Sue Porter – WWII – Richmond City – WAC
CPL Naoma L. Ridings – WWII – Arlington
ENS Elizabeth Irene Seay – WWII – Fluvanna County – WAVES
Apprentice Seaman Ruth Harrow Stone – WWII – Middlesex County – WAVES
CW5 Sharon T. Swartworth – GWOT - Alexandria – Army – Iraq
Submitted by Cara Buckley, VFW Department of Virginia Auxiliary Guard