VFW Posts around the country are amping up for the third annual VFW Day of Service on May 4. That date kicks off a month of veteran-led community service projects.
The Day of Service is an outgrowth of the VFW’s #StillServing initiative that launched in 2020 and has since brought recognition to how much U.S. military veterans continue to serve in their communities after they take off their uniform.
By concentrating on veteran-led community service projects on this day, and throughout the month of May, the VFW intends to bring focus to the role veterans play in the well-being of their communities and surrounding areas.
VFW Post 4780 and its Auxiliary volunteers build a raised flower bed on May 12 last year at the Veterans Home in Humboldt, Tenn., for its VFW Day of Service project. Four VFW members, two Auxiliary members, three children of a Post member and one community resident gathered to construct and plant a raised flower bed for residents in the Alzheimer’s and dementia area of the home. The raised bed allows those in wheelchairs to wheel up to it and pull weeds or cut flowers. Post 4780 member Hannah Blurton said the bed was built in an enclosed patio area, and perennials were planted. Blurton later learned that the flower bulbs were removed and corn was planted for the residents’ enjoyment. For this year’s Day of Service project, the Post plans to create a Blessing Box on its property. Such a box will contain non-perishable items for those in the community who may need it. “We want to make sure our community is taken care of,” Blurton said.“We hope to harness the momentum of our last two events to make the third annual Day of Service the best yet in terms of participation and impact,” VFW Director of Communications Randi Law said. “Through this event, not only have our members contributed in countless, meaningful ways to their communities, but they’ve had a lot of fun doing it. Our hope is the event continues to grow for years to come.”
VFW’s second annual Day of Service in 2023 grew its total number of grassroots events by more than 20 percent from the first year. VFW Posts in all 50 states, as well as those in Europe, Guam, Asia and Puerto Rico, participated last year.
Much as Veterans Day commemorations take place throughout the month of November, the VFW Day of Service kicks off on the first Saturday in May.
The VFW asks that VFW members, all veterans and others visit VFWDayofService.org to register their events on the interactive Day of Service map and receive a special participation decal and/or find a local event to join and see what veterans around the country are doing to make a difference.
VFW Day of Service events are community service focused, so it is up to you and your Post to identify what your community needs. Whatever Day of Service project you and your members decide upon will qualify. However, “Buddy”® Poppy, recruiting and events which raise monetary donations do not qualify as a Day of Service event.
Below are some examples of community service events:
- Drives — food, personal hygiene products, diapers
- Home repair
- Street / park / cemetery / vacant lot clean-up
- Health fairs
- Houseless to home support
- Playground rehab / installation
- Accessibility initiatives
The photos you see here are some fine examples of work done during the 2023 VFW Day of Service. For more information about VFW Day of Service, contact info@todaysvfw.org.
This article is featured in the 2024 March issue of VFW magazine, and was written by Janie Dyhouse, senior editor for VFW magazine.