Members of VFW Post 10380 Green Township, Ohio, held their ninth annual “Cars and Courage” car show on April 29 to raise funds for their veterans’ programs.
The car show, a blend of more than 85 vintage and exotic cars lined across the parking lot of the Diamond Oaks Career Campus in Cincinnati, Ohio, helped the Post raise more than $1,200 towards their goal this year.
Enthusiasts browse exotic and vintage cars during VFW Post 10338’s ninth annual “Cars and Courage” car show on April 29 at the Diamond Oaks Career Campus in Cincinnati, Ohio. Photo by Bill Rockland “It was also a great way to increase our presence in the community,” Post 10380 Vice Commander Edward Murphy said.
Hosting more than 500 car enthusiasts between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on a Saturday, members of Post 10338 charged car show participants $20, collecting the rest of profits from food and drinks. All spectators had free access to the show, as in years past.
The car show in April is among many slated fundraisers and community hosted by Post 10380 throughout the year. Some of these most popular events include a Fourth of July fireworks display, a Kids Fest in August, Veterans and Memorial Day parades, as well as an annual golf tournament.
On Aug. 27, the Post also will celebrate its 35th anniversary with the community.