The plan had consisted of a fundraiser to raise money for an operation at the Mayo Clinic on behalf of veteran Greg Crane, but things changed.
When VFW Post 280 members in Columbia, Missouri, heard that their fellow member had died on the operating table, they contacted his family to ask if they wanted to continue with the fundraiser.
Megan McCombs and Brandon Mabe with the Baldknobbers musical act perform at a benefit concert in January at VFW Post 280 in Columbia, Mo. The concert raised more than $1,800 for the family of a veteran who died during an operation.Through advertising and ticket sales, Post 280 members turned the fundraiser into a celebration of life concert in January that helped raise more than $1,800 for the veteran’s family to use for funeral arrangements.
“Brandon and Megan from [music group] the Baldknobbers out of Branson, Missouri, drove three hours one way just to donate their time and talent to provide us with the entertainment,” Post 280 Quartermaster Larry Lammers said. “They’re great people.”
The concert consisted of several songs by the Baldknobbers, while 10 volunteers from the Post assisted in ticket sales at the door, as well as concessions. Upon the final performance, Lammers and Post Commander Ed Miller took the stage to present the veteran’s surviving family with the honorary donation.
“Helping others in time of need is very gratifying, and I am very thankful to have that opportunity throughout the year,” Lammers said. “It is, to me, a hidden benefit of being a member of the VFW.”