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Camp Lejeune Justice Act Litigation
If you have questions about eligibility and how to pursue a federal lawsuit under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, the VFW encourages you to contact one of our entrusted law firms:

Since 2014 Bergmann & Moore has successfully represented over 3,000 VFW members in federal court and joins the VFW in attempting to ensure its members understand what is at stake and whether to join the Camp Lejeune Justice Act litigation. Contact Bergmann & Moore or call 800.898.9450.

BMBF Law has extensive experience and proven success in litigating toxic groundwater cases. We work alongside Military and Medical Advisory Boards made up of members of the military community and healthcare professionals with expertise on complex medical issues. We have committed our team to a grassroots education and informational campaign with VFW members and its Auxiliary in their local communities to assure full understanding of one’s rights and options in pursuing a lawsuit under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. Contact BMBF Law or call 410.421.7777.
Deadline for filing: Aug. 10, 2024
To be eligible for filing a lawsuit you must have:
- Resided, worked or were otherwise exposed (including in utero) to the groundwater (not exclusive to veterans who served there, family members and civilian contractors are eligible to file suit as well);
- For 30 cumulative days or more;
- During the period of Aug. 1, 1953 - Dec. 31, 1987; and;
- Have been diagnosed with a serious health condition, disease, or other injury.
- Of note: Surviving family members may pursue a lawsuit on behalf of their deceased loved one.
From our National Veteran Service experts, here are some important things to remember for our comrade veterans:
- Pursuing a lawsuit under the CLJA will NOT:
- (a) reduce your VA monthly disability compensation;
- (b) impact your VA health care benefits;
- (c) impact your eligibility to apply for future VA disability compensation and healthcare benefits.
- If you have not yet filed a VA claim for disability and compensation benefits related to the Lejeune Water, contact a VFW Accredited Service Officer today. To pursue a federal lawsuit under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act contact a VFW entrusted law firm to assist you today. They are two separate lanes, and BOTH are available to you as a veteran.
From our General Counsel’s office: Veterans, family members, and contractors suffering from the effect of toxic exposure at Camp Lejeune will need appropriate legal representation to file a lawsuit under the CLJA. The VFW cautions its members, Auxiliary, families, and supporters to avoid predatory law firms advertising endlessly on television, via robocalls, and email spamming, as well as charging exorbitant and unreasonable contingency fees. To assist in providing the right information and experienced guidance, the VFW has collaborated with two entrusted law firms with a long history of honorably serving veterans. Those firms are Baird Mandalas Brockstedt & Federico (BMBF Law) and Bergmann & Moore. Both firms have committed to reasonable contingency fees (BMBF Law is at 25% and Bergmann is at 33.33%); and both firms waive upfront costs while getting veterans to a VFW Accredited Service officer for any benefits counseling and filing needs they may have.