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Your search for scholarship resulted in 179 results.

    12/2/2008 - Robert F. Dorr’s December 1 commentary, “VFW, Legion must modernize in order to thrive” is interesting reading but regrettably focuses on archaic stereotypes that are simply re-hashing many of his embedded misunderstandings of what veterans service organizations really accomplish.The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S. was founded in 1899 by Spanish-American and Philippine War veterans who returned home to a government that bore little responsibility to care for wound...

    9/29/2008 - One hundred nine years ago, veterans of three units returned home to form separate veterans organizations in different states at varying times. What was started so many years ago has even more significance for all of us today than it did prior to September 11. The events that occurred back in 1899 when the first meetings of groups of concerned veterans took place, and from which the Veterans of Foreign Wars was born, have enabled those belonging to our organization to ...

    7/5/2010 - Local Eagle Scout Robert Morgan has been named “National Scout of the Year” for 2009-2010 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Morgan, 18, the son of Chuck and Donna Morgan, received a $5,000 scholarship as the VFW’s number one Scout in the U.S. “The judges had a tough time choosing the second and third place winners this year,” said Steve Van Buskirk, VFW national director of programs. “But the judges had no problem in choosing Robert Morgan of California as the VFW Natio...

    7/9/2010 - Published in Record Gazette by Rees Lloyd Morgan, 18, the son of Chuck and Donna Morgan, received a $5,000 scholarship as the VFW’s number one Scout in the U.S. “The judges had a tough time choosing the second and third place winners this year,” said Steve Van Buskirk, VFW national director of programs. “But the judges had no problem in choosing Robert Morgan of California as the VFW National Scout of the Year. The point I want to make is that this young man, Eagle Sco...

    9/29/2010 - Each year on September 29th VFW Day is celebrated at Posts and in communities around the world. It’s a day devoted to the organization and its dedicated members who are so deeply committed to serving those who bravely serve this nation. This year marks the 111th year since the VFW was established. On this date in 1899, a small group of Spanish-America war veterans joined together to form what would become the nation’s largest and most dedicated group of combat veteran...

    10/13/2010 - With its great influence on veterans’ legislation, nationally acclaimed youth scholarship programs, highly skilled network of service officers, array of distinctive troop support programs, and stellar record of service to local communities across America, VFW has taken on many roles throughout its 111 year history. However, being the multifaceted organization that VFW has grown to become, there are many misconceptions and confusion among the military community and civi...

    3/8/2010 - KANSAS CITY, Mo. —The winners of the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary sponsored Voice of Democracy (VOD) audio-essay competition and the Patriots Pen essay competition were announced late yesterday afternoon during the VFW National Legislative/Voice of Democracy/Senior Vice Commander Meeting Washington D.C. The VOD program celebrated its 63rd year with this year’s theme, “Does America Still Have Heroes?” The first place winner, Madison Mullen, sponsored by Post 3297 out of Del...

    3/4/2010 - KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Foundation announced today that it has received a $100,000 gift from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation in support of its Voice of Democracy student essay contest. Each year more than 65,000 U.S. students (grades 9-12) from public, private, parochial and home schools, research write and record an essay based on a patriotic theme. Winners advance from their local geographic areas to state then national levels, a...

    4/23/2010 - KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Two home-town and national icons, the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Headquarters and the Kansas City Chiefs, have joined forces to highlight and honor the service and sacrifice of the millions of military members who have, or are fighting, to preserve our freedoms and liberties at home and abroad. The Kansas City Chiefs and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation’s "Salute to Military Families " patriotic program is expected to unite thousands of...

    7/12/2012 - The presumptive Republican candidate for this fall’s presidential election has accepted an invitation to speak before the 113th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., which begins July 21 at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Reno, Nev. The event is closed to the public. “We are most appreciative to Governor Mitt Romney for again taking time to address America’s oldest and largest major combat veterans’ organization,” said VFW National Comm...


