A Veterans Day Message from the VFW

The debt owed to our nation's defenders is ever-present

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - For generations, the men and women of America’s Armed Forces have demonstrated their willingness to put country before self; patriots who serve for the greater good and who don’t seek glory or recognition or personal gain. On Nov. 11, Veterans Day, our nation honors the contributions of the nearly 22 million veterans living today, and all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of liberty and justice.

History has provided us with extraordinary examples of their selfless deeds. They’ve brought hope, faith and liberty to millions of people around the world. The true number of people who have benefitted cannot be calculated and the number of erected memorials or speeches delivered doesn’t begin to represent the true scope of service our nations’ veterans have provided.

The debt owed to the defenders of this great nation is ever-present and it is imperative that on this Veterans Day, we take the opportunity to keep alive the memories, sacrifices and accomplishments of our nation’s veterans.

Veterans Day is not a day for veterans alone. It’s a day for all Americans to be a part of, because every citizen has a role to play in carrying the legacy and burden of freedom. Each citizen must work to ensure that America fulfills its promise to provide our veterans with the benefits and entitlements they’ve earned and deserve.

We must be willing to pick them up when they are down, help point the way to a new life when they return home, and carry them when they are weary. We are obligated to do no less and we are honor-bound to do so. Our veterans deserve our lasting gratitude and respect.

This Veterans Day, the VFW thanks every Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman and Coast Guardsman for their service. And we ask all Americans to say a prayer of thanks for those who are serving far away from family and friends. Without their service and sacrifice, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to cherish our many freedoms for the extraordinary gifts they are.


