‘A Show for Veterans, By Veterans’

The VFW's newest communication platform, #StillServing: The VFW Podcast, highlights critical issues, topics and legislation affecting veterans, military members and their families worldwide

The largest and oldest combat veterans’ organization now has a new way to communicate with its members and other veteran advocates.

VFW Washington Office Communications and Public Affairs Director Robert Couture is the host of #StillServing: The VFW Podcast. He said listeners of #StillServing can expect to hear about current information on important veterans’ legislation, education benefits and financial assistance programs. Couture also said listeners of the podcast can learn about national veterans’ services and the VFW’s critical initiatives.

“When it comes to what I think my audience would like to hear, I always draw from my life experiences — as a surviving military dependent, as a 24-year Army veteran and as a VFW Life member,” Couture said. “The topics my guests talk about on #StillServing almost always apply to me as a veteran, so I know the podcast is a resource that will serve podcast listeners.”

Couture said he encourages everyone to listen to #StillServing while he chats with congressional leadership, Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs senior officials and, of course, everyday veterans. Couture said he and his guests will address tough issues affecting the military and veterans’ community.

“As the show continues to develop, those tuning in will hear guests from everyone from government agencies to nonprofit organizations focused on veterans,” Couture said. “We also feature leaders and members alike who are making things happen within the VFW.”

In a recent episode of the podcast, Couture spoke with Staff Sgt. David Bellavia, a Medal of Honor recipient of the Iraq War. You can find that episode and more at vfw.org/Podcast.

“The bottom line is that people tuning in to #StillServing: The VFW Podcast can expect a show for veterans, by veterans, with news, information and some great conversation everyone can enjoy,” Couture said.

This article is featured in the 2022 January issue of VFW magazine, and was written by Dave Spiva, associate editor for VFW magazine.