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Your search for agent, orange resulted in 61 results.

    7/14/2016 - WASHINGTON — The just released fourth season of “Orange is the New Black” on Netflix is depicting military veterans as evil, which should be offensive to everyone who has worn the uniform, said the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. “America has tens of thousands of troops currently deployed into harm’s way, and millions of others who have successfully transitioned back into society,” said John A. Biedrzycki Jr., “but the writers a...

    8/15/2008 - WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush has accepted an invitation to speak Wednesday at the 109th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. The annual convention by America’s oldest major veterans’ organization starts tomorrow at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. The event is not open to the public. “It is a time-honored tradition for our nation’s leader to address the national convention of America’s oldest major veterans’ orga...

    8/18/2008 - ORLANDO, Fla. — Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain opened his address before VFW’s Joint Opening Session today by reminding attendees that all Americans must “speak as one” and praise the men and women fighting the Iraq War. “Though a victory is finally in sight,” said the VFW life member of Post 7401 in Chandler, Ariz., it “could still be squandered by hasty withdrawal and arbitrary timelines.” He continued: “The surge has succeeded,” referring to the...

    8/15/2008 - WASHINGTON — The two presumptive presidential candidates have accepted invitations to speak next week to the 109th national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., which starts tomorrow at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. The event is not open to the public. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is scheduled to speak on Monday, followed by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on Tuesday. The appearance of both presidential candidates continues a long st...

    5/28/2008 - WASHINGTON — The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. has selected its 2008 National Employment Award winners. The annual awards program recognizes individuals and organizations for their efforts to promote veterans employment, training and advancement opportunities within their communities. The five category winners are: James C. Gates Distinguished Service Award Winner: Keith O. Brandon, a veteran employment representative in Orange Park, Fla., who serves a six-count...

    6/30/2023 - KANSAS CITY — Barstool Sports, one of the most influential sports, lifestyle and entertainment media brands on the internet recently launched a philanthropic initiative in partnership with New Amsterdam Vodka to support the renovation efforts of selected Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Posts in the lower 48 states. Through this partnership, New Amsterdam Vodka and Barstool Sports seek to make a meaningful difference in the lives of veterans by providing much-needed assist...

    6/12/2024 - Statement of Michael S. Figlioli, Director National Veterans Service Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Before The United States House of Representatives Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee On Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs With Respect To “Does a Total Disability Rating Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) Properly Compensate Today’s Veterans” Washington, D.C. Chairman Luttrell, Ranking Member Pappas, and members of the subco...

    7/18/2019 - KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie will be joining more than 10,000 members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliary at the 120th VFW National Convention as it convenes this Saturday through July 24 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. The business sessions are closed to the public, but a free, two-day weekend veterans walk-in claims clinic and four-day health fai...

    7/8/2013 - A new scam circulating online claims that veterans are eligible to claim money and asks that you reply with personal information. If you receive the message below via Facebook, email, or another means, DO NOT REPLY. This outreach is NOT associated with VFW in any capacity. It is a scam. Should you ever have questions to the validity of contact from the VFW, please contact your local VFW Post or Department. My name Mike I'm special agent officer working for VFW program H...

    3/24/2015 - WASHINGTON — The Department of Veterans Affairs last year proposed changes to regulations to eliminate informal claims that were not filed electronically. In addition, VA proposed requiring the use of a specific standardized form when veterans apply for VA benefits. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and other major service organizations fought against the proposals, saying that the elimination of informal claims was draconian and did not keep with...


