VFW Honors U.S. Army's 240th Birthday

VFW offers past and present soldiers its sincere appreciation

For patriotic Americans here and abroad, today is one of the most important days of the year.  On this momentous day, we celebrate the U.S. Army’s 240th year of service, as well as Flag Day.

First organized as the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, the Army we know today remains a courageous and formidable force in the protection of America and our Allies. 

With an impressively long history full of accomplishments, perhaps the only thing more remarkable is the integrity and dedication of each of its individual members. 

Change is a common theme throughout history, and warfare has drastically evolved over the Army’s 240 years. Name tapes, faces, terrain and the enemy may have changed, but the heart of the men and women who solemnly swear the oath and fight for the greater good of America has remained the same. 

Today, as we celebrate the United States Army and the flag it protects, the VFW would like to offer every American soldier — past and present — a sincere “thank you.” We appreciate your courage, selflessness and dedication to ensuring America, and our freedoms, remain protected.


