‘I Owe My Happiness to Him’

A member of VFW Post 1966, Navy veteran Annie Ferguson is more comfortable attending functions and going to work with her service dog, Killian, by her side

Between 2013 and 2015, Annie Ferguson served in Afghanistan as a member of the Navy’s special warfare female engagement team and then in Iraq as an expeditionary intelligence specialist.

“After back-to-back combat deployments, I had to admit to myself that my mental health was in shambles,” she said.

Ferguson went on a 91-day paddling expedition with the organization Warrior Expeditions, down the Mississippi River to help with Post-Traumatic Stress and improve her mental health.

“I experienced a lot of emotions and had time and solitude to deal with my issues. By the end of the trip, I decided the healthiest thing I could do was to get a dog,” she said.

Ferguson received her emotional support dog, Killian, six years ago and is #StillServing with his help. A member of VFW Post 1966 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Ferguson is more comfortable attending functions and going to work with Killian by her side.

“A canine companion is such a valuable tool for veterans and their mental and physical health,” she said. “I believed a dog would give me purpose and happiness. Killian has done that and more. I owe my happiness and current successes to him.”