Thanks to the VFW

'This is a group ... seeking to make the community a better place for all'

It’s important not only to be thankful for the soldiers who serve overseas, but also for the veterans who return home after serving our nation.

In Lunenburg County, we are lucky to have a strong organization of veterans who work hard to give back to our community.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 9954 is dedicated to giving back to this community in any way it can.

I, for one, couldn’t be prouder to have a VFW call this county home. Though we may not always know they are doing good things, they always are.

During his recent visit, VFW State Commander Tom Gimble said, “These guys are doing a great job right here.”

I couldn’t agree more.

From their work in the public schools with essay contests and awards to their support of area non-profits, this group is working hard to make Lunenburg the best it can be.

In particular, I am proud to know VFW members have made it their mission to know the signs of emotional suffering.

This is an important issue among veterans and one that shouldn’t be ignored. I am grateful for the VFW for raising awareness and getting our men and women the help they need.

When not giving back in this community, many of those who participate in the VFW can be found in Richmond or Washington, D.C., fighting for the benefits veterans deserve.

This is a group that welcomes both men and women, young and old to give back to other veterans, to pave their road of a successful homecoming, seeking to make the community a better place for all residents.

Next time you see a member of the VFW, make sure you thank them for the sacrifices they have made and the work they continue to do.

This article was written by Carson Reeher, staff writer, The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch.