Helping the Next Generation of Veterans

From participating in local events to meeting other veterans, veteran Roger Felix hopes to instill important values in those younger than him

VFW Life member Roger Felix is a veteran #StillServing with VFW Post 9389 in Caribou, Maine, where he advises younger adults at the Loring Job Corps Center military preparatory program. He teaches them about veteran life and gets them involved in his Post’s service projects.

Felix knows that bearing witness to veterans and their sacrifice can help instill patriotic values in today’s youth. He and another VFW member escorted a group to Arlington Cemetery to perform a wreath laying ceremony. Felix wants to show all veterans what can be accomplished by working with the next generation of service members. 

Because of his efforts, the cadets were able to participate in the Association of the Army Convention, where they networked with current Army leaders for future job opportunities.

Felix is proud to help the next generation of veterans find their footing. From participating in local events to meeting other veterans, he hopes to instill important values in those younger than him — so they can be America’s next defenders.