VFW Reaches Out to Career-Seeking Veterans

‘The resources VFW offers ... pick up where others leave off’

VFW representatives had the opportunity to speak with some 200 veterans participating in the 2016 Veterans Career and Resource Fair at Bartle Hall in Kansas City, Mo., on Sept. 21, according to Lynn Rolf, director of VFW programs.

“The resources VFW offers, specifically focused on transition and employment, pick up where others leave off,” Rolf said. “It doesn’t matter where you are in your career or life, we can help you seek employment.” 

In addition to providing Kansas City veterans with information about employment opportunities, VFW representatives also spoke to veterans about VA claim resources and scholarship opportunities.

“VFW offers myriad resources,” Rolf said. “Some veterans could benefit from our Unmet Needs Program. Or if they want to go back to school, we can educate them on the GI Bill process. It was a good opportunity for VFW to talk to veterans and let them know that we can help them wherever they are in life.”

On Oct. 5, VFW plans to host a hospitality-based virtual career fair in conjunction with the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation. Career-seeking service members, veterans and their spouses will be able to network with top companies in the hospitality industry from their home computer.

“We are embracing new technology,” Rolf said. “No matter where veterans, service members and their families are located, they can participate.”

To register for the event, which runs from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. (EDT), please visit: http://www.vfwvirtual.com/registration/.

By Kelly Gibson